11.00am on Monday 10 February 2025

After Sunday Intercessions

A collection of prayers for intercession, to support people as they live as the church dispersed in the world

A prayer for our Daily Work

God of grace and goodness

who made us body and spirit

that our work and our faith may be one:

may we, by our life and our worship,

join in your labour to bring forth a 

new creation in justice, love and truth;

through Jesus our Redeemer


Father of time and energy,

Graft in us the spirit of connection.

Your human face in the encounter,

Your saving grace in the meeting,

Your love flowing ever onward

Through days of grace.

The gifts invested in us, offered

To your praise and glory.

God of grace and goodness,

you made us body and spirit

that our work and our faith may be one:

through Jesus Christ our Lord.




Your Son Jesus Christ rooted in earthly living,

The toil of creativity, the energy of interaction.

The hand of movement, the eyes of seeing,

The ears of discerning, the mind of resolving,

The labours of the day, the rest in the night

Offered to your praise and glory.

God of grace and goodness,

you made us body and spirit

that our work and our faith may be one:

through Jesus Christ our Lord.


The movement of crankshaft, cog and wheel,

The turning circle of the labours of life

Energy and weariness, intellect and mind

Working in creation’s harmony in heaven

Upon the earth.

Bless our endeavours, contentment

In sweat and toil,

To the unending glory of life in union with the cross.

The fruits of labour’s love.

God of grace and goodness,

you made us body and spirit

that our work and our faith may be one:

through Jesus Christ our Lord.


Carpenter’s Son,

Craft in us the skills of hand and mind,

To express your love in word and action.

Through fabric and being, in business and calm

Your will shines forth as the bright morning star,

Till labour ceases and our work is done, offered to your praise and glory.

God of grace and goodness,

you made us body and spirit

that our work and our faith may be one:

through Jesus Christ our Lord.


Someone’s sighing Lord,

Someone’s crying Lord.

As the new day dawns, no labour, no value,

no worth, rests on the heart of the unwanted.

Give value to their seeking Lord,

Uplifted spirits in the heart of uncertainty

As to what the future holds.

Turn the ashes of hopelessness

In the fire of your love,

Till the sighing and the crying are no more,

And the mantle of praise shines forth

From the embers of brokenness.

God of grace and goodness,

you made us body and spirit

that our work and our faith may be one:

through Jesus Christ our Lord.


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