10.30am on Monday 10 February 2025

Exploring Vocation in Practice

Explore the issues involved in living out a vocation in daily work and life


Who has a Vocation?

After Sunday believes that Christian vocation is not limited to the job or role that we do but is equally about the kind of person we are. It is about how we have been crafted by God and how we respond to his call and share in his mission to the world.


Who's vocation do we pray for?

The tradition of prayer is to pray for those in ordained ministry, and those on caring professions. Dave Walker's cartoon take a humorous look at this tradition. After Sunday believes each one us should be sustained through prayer in the many different ways we live out the person God made us to be.


After Sunday Stories

We are collecting stories from a wide cross section of occupations and different kinds of work. The stories are not intended to make us feel exhausted with admiration but aim to explore the day-to-day realities of the struggle of faith at work and what sense we make of our vocations.

Exploring vocation

After Sunday Resources Catalogue

Our resources for small groups to explore the issue of vocation. Free to download, the 'Exploring Vocation' resources are offered as a series of 7 sessions, or some can be explored as stand-alone sessions.


Further Reading

Books, articles, web pages and networks which have inspired After Sunday's views on vocation.

After Sunday is a registered charity, number 1128086. Website development by Hiltonian Media.