Night Prayer
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10.28pm on Wednesday 11 September 2024
After Sunday is committed to helping everyone to explore their particular vocation as they share in the life and ministry of Christ in the world. God has made each of use as unique beings with a purpose in mind. Finding out what that purpose is and responding to God call to us is key to finding out what it is to be fully alive. Here we explain what we mean by the idea of having a vocation. We see three parts to is.
There is an old Christian tradition that God sends each person into this world with a special message to deliver, with a special song to sing for others, with a special act of love to bestow. No one else can speak my message, or sing my song, or offer my act of love. these are entrusted only to me.
John Powell, Through Seasons of the Heart
Sometimes the idea of vocation is limited to those who in the ‘gathered church’ have a calling to ordained or licensed ministry or to join religious orders. The word ministry is often used to define a particular role in the church. There is still an echo in the church of a view that some kinds of work are more 'spiritual' than others.
In the wider world, the term vocation is used, less so now, by people in occupations where service and care of others are central. For example traditionally doctors, nurses, teachers, social workers etc were seen as having vocations but bank managers and shop keepers probably didn’t. We still live with a limited idea of vocation that has a hierarchy implicit within it. This hierarchy can be unconsciously communicated in who we pray for and who we regard as being in a 'caring' profession.
Cartoon © Dave Walker/
After Sunday believes that it is vital that all Christians explore the question of their vocation and discover how that is to be worked out in the world. We have designed a series of Resources to help small groups work through these ideas, called Exploring Vocation
From a Christian point of view, the question of vocation always has to be worked and discerned with the help of other disciples. There is also an important question about how we see our collective vocation. We are interested in your experience of any helpful ways that you have worked on this challenging topic with a faith community that you are part of. Share you experiences with others.
We hope that you will find the After Sunday project to be a helpful and encouraging resource as you explore your sense of calling in whatever form it takes.
After Sunday is a registered charity, number 1128086. Website development by Hiltonian Media.