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3.15am on Friday 7 March 2025
In this section of the website, you will find a full list external resources. These books, websites, articles and networks have been divided into the categories below. Simply click on a category name to expand the list. You will find website links, articles to download and also links to purchase books from Amazon. By linking to Amazon through the After Sunday website, you are helping to support After Sunday as we receive a small percentage of the payment for the book.
Many of these resources have inspired After Sunday, all are working towards making sense of daily life and work in God.
If you know of any other resources that should be listed here, do let us know. If you are part of an organisation that would like to be listed here, please let us know. If you would like to offer comments or review any of the resources listed here, please do so below.
This book contains many first hand stories from the frontiers of alternative ministries in Canada. Those who are seeking to expand ‘mainstream’ forms of ministry and forge new paths will find this an encouraging book
10 week adult Christian education and pastoral care course about ‘Being Christian - Becoming Whole - Building Community'. The course interweaves biblical and psychological perspectives, it looks at healthy relationships, care , forgiveness, suffering, stress
This short book offers an analysis of the post-modern world, the legacy of the Enlightenment and Christian faith in a post-modern age. It offers a summary of the five ingredients of an approach to mission in Western culture and argues that it should be primarily a ministry of the laity
"Christ of the Everyday" seeks to help us discover the true meaning of the way of Jesus. Two convictions permeate the text. The first is that to be converted is, in the end, not so much a matter of seeing different things as of seeing the same things differently; and that 'having the eyes of faith', in this sense, is a major component of being a person of faith. The second conviction is that most religious insight is something that happens, if it happens at all, in the midst of the ordinary experiences of life - including our experiences of solitude, suffering, friendship and joy. It is in and from such locations that Christians develop their perspective on Jesus.
A beautiful and important book for anyone concerned with Christian mission.
The author argues that the fact that the church is marginalized is now one of its greatest strengths. From this position it is easier to grasp fresh perspective on life and offers new insights about Christian identity, discipleship and ministry.
The authors argue that the church when not meeting, worshipping and praying is just as important and significant as when it is gathered together.Church meetings need to be relevant to life and serve the eternal purposes of a working God in the world of work
How should we live as dual citizens: citizens both of the kingdom of God and of our nation? How much should we involve ourselves in society and public life?. Graham Cray shows that there are profound gospel reasons for taking seriously both our national life and our call to be Christian citizens
The author presents a quick tour of the cultural changes being experienced in Western views of spirituality identifying the challenges and opportunities this presents to the Christian church. He focuses on how the Christian community can connect with spiritual seekers in today’s world.
Their aim is to support, encourage and inspire church leaders as they tackle new challenges in leadership.
Foundations 21 is the new way to do discipleship. It's web-based - using your own computer for new and experienced Christians who want to be more effective disciples of Christ. A combination of personal exploration and interaction with other people with a mix of Bible exploration, web-based activities and personal application.
Many Christians subconsciously divide up their lives into spiritual bits - church, Bible study, prayer and evangelism - and the rest. Julian Hardyman shows how every activity, from windsurfing to washing up, can be done for the glory of God.
Explain your faith
This book provides a transformational theory of action which supports community ministry. The author takes sees the scope for everyone to discover their distinctive vocation as a powerful mission strategy.
A Five-session Course on the Beatitudes for Lent
When it comes to Sharing faith the most important people are ordinary people. So this course was created in a local church setting to help ordinary Christians talk about their faith. The aim is that we won't be "Lost for Words", but be ready with aspects of the Good News on our lips when opportunities arise. Six sessions with different materials for Children, Youth and Adults.
Rowan Williams explores Mission Shaped Church
Five years ago, "Mission-shaped Church" presented a challenge to church leaders. Now "Mission-Shaped Questions" helps them take their thinking to a deeper level. Drawn from a range of Anglican and Methodist backgrounds, the highly-respected contributors take an incisive look at church and its future. This title raises questions such as 'What is the essence of the church'? and 'Can fresh expressions of church make a difference'? These contributions are an essential read for anyone committed to the future of church and mission.
This book aims to help us to clarify and live out our commitments about how we participate in God’s mission. Mission has to be done in authentic partnership.
Provides an introduction to Christianity - what Christians believe, and why, how should we live!
The main aim of ‘Something to Talk About’ is to encourage people to understand and appreciate the uniqueness of their personal Christian journey, to appreciate the journeys of other Christians and to gain confidence in talking to others about what they believe.
A book that brings spirituality down to earth with explanations of spiritual practices including meditation, yoga and prayer
Offers six spiritual reflections that explore how 'holiness' is not the preserve of an especially religious elite, rather something we all struggle for in the midst of our ordinary lives, our work and relationships.
Much time and attention is currently devoted by Christian writers to the notion of discipleship. Many of the courses and local church programmes are, however, focused on the gathered church or on gathering. Roger Walton challenges the church to 'train and release' reflective and creative disciples by giving attention to the presence of God in the life of the world and engaging with the divine in the ordinary. This is a challenging resource for all involved in church leadership and training new Christians.
This is a book both for and about nurses. It is about how faith structures nursing practice. We hope to point to some resources from the Christian tradition that guide us as we seek to live out our vocations faithfully.
Imagine living on the equivalent of fifty pence a day - or less. That is the reality for over a billion people around the world right now. Isn't the problem just too enormous for individual churches, schools and communities to make a difference? This book seeks to answer that question, offering practical suggestions for real things that we can do in our personal lives that can help to bring the vision of a world without poverty a step closer
As an investment banker in the City of London, Ken Costa has read "The Financial Times" and "The Bible" almost every day for thirty years. But there is a widespread view that God and business just do not mix. The competitive, cut throat demands of the marketplace are seen as the obvious enemy of Christian compassion and love. To Ken Costa, the God who created and sustains the world is also the God of the workplace.
Faith and work remains a key issue for Christians who are serious about living out their faith in a 21st Century world. Industrial Christian Fellowship has a long history of supporting Christians in the workplace and developing resources that help churches relate to the world of work.
The Industrial Mission Association is an organisation for lay and ordained people who want to be involved in, or to deepen their understanding of, the relationship between the Christian faith and the economic order.
A high intensity training programme to help Christians engage with today's rapidly changing world. Developing skills in biblical interpretation & contemporary cultural engagement
As Lutherans, we don’t just practice our faith, we live it. Each new day presents a new opportunity to deepen our relationship with God.
Through our worship services, education at every level and ministries of all kinds, we live our lives with meaning and purpose.
Experience how we as ELCA members are growing in faith.
Supporting men and women within the business and community life of Newcastle.
The purpose of Industrial Mission is to bring the consciousness of God’s presence in the work place to the maximum number of people. The work of this ministry helps to inform Christian understanding and action about the effects of economic activity on individuals, and on communities.
Ridley Hall, gifted by God's Spirit, is called to be a deep learning resource for the whole Church that is 'Roots Down' (into our evangelical convictions), 'Walls Down' (to others in the Church), 'Bridges Out' (to and from the world)
Report from the William Temple Foundation about Spiritual and Religious capital
An inspirational new book on how to achieve sustainable capitalism and a more fulfilled life by the author of SQ (Spiritual Intelligence) and The Quantum Self.
This PDF from the Diocese of Hereford is a useful course for Christians at work: "The workplace is where many of us spend much of our time and it is often where people who don't know Jesus can be found, it is an ideal place for ‘appropriate' mission, ministry and witness. Thus our Christians at work need our support, encouragement and prayers."
This highly practical book looks at how we can make the most of the time we spend at work. It helps us to see our jobs, our co-workers and our bosses the way God sees them.
The overall aims of this course are to explore our understanding of the Kingdom of God and what it means for our faith and our lives.
As Christians our focus is set on working in partnership with God in his kingdom building work. What does that mean for the places where we live and work? What are the signs of the kingdom breaking in? How should we relate God's kingdom vision with the reality we see before us in the world? How do we live out our faith and hope with integrity?
The course should be delivered in groups of up to 12 with a facilitator who is used to running open and participative structured group discussions.
If you want to make a difference in the world, then LICC is there to help you. They work to equip Christians to engage biblically and relevantly with the issues they face, including Work, Capitalism, Youth Culture, Media and Communication - helping you to make a difference, where you are.
The authors map the terrain including the personal journey, the corporate journey, and companions along the way. The book also includes a comprehensive chapter of resources, some interesting appendices, and extensive set of references.
Transforming Work exists to create a single 'One-Stop' Portal for Christians working in the UK to provide every single resource, point of contact, informal or formal help they would need to:
- Work in a godly way
- Reach out to their colleagues with the good news of Jesus Christ
- Live out their faith in context of professional or workplace Christian groups
- Cope with the difficulties and stresses associated with the UK workplace
- Make A Difference wherever God has placed them.
The new organisation was formed in 2007, working in close partnership with many other workplace organisations across the whole of the UK.
Many of us spend most of our waking hours involved in work or activities that are not directly church related, yet they are an important part of our discipleship journey and experience. This course is an opportunity to value, share and explore the work and activities we are engaged in, and to reflect on the Christian perspective on work in the Gospel message
Simple, enjoyable, wise reminders on working with groups from Keele University.
A very helpful introduction to Appreciative Inquiry - an approach to positive change.
Everyone is involved one way and another in helping others to learn. It is particularly important with adults that they are really actively involved in learning. Some people are required to facilitate discussion groups, meetings or training sessions. It is very helpful for them to have the skills to help other learn.
This is a one day workshop that explore what makes for effective learning and practices some of the skills of leading group sessions effectively.
Useful introductory website for work on teaching groups - including, for example, thoughts on different group sizes, and formal/informal groups.
An index of useful resources on teaching and learning.
From Liverpool John Moores University website relating to Teaching, Learning and Development - a section on group work information on background whys and theory as well as practical suggestions.
This text reveals the secrets of the art of facilitation and shows how to use it to initiate group empowerment. The authors begin by fully explaining the skills required and the benefits to be derived from facilitation. Practical activities and a model training programme are included.
"The Power of Appreciative Inquiry" describes a revolutionary new change strategy that inspires people and brings about a higher performance level in any organization.
This is an innovative exploration of the theology of work whilst still being anchored in the daily realities if Christian life. Larive proposes a Trinitarian account of secular work as a calling to co-creation.
Ever wondered whether your work matters to God? Ever wondered why you spend 60-70% of your waking life at work? Ever wondered what your work is for? Ever wanted to make connections between your faith and your work but have never heard work discussed seriously in your Church? The resource pack takes a broad non-prescriptive view of what being a Christian at work can mean by exploring ethics, mission, spirituality, transformation, values and witness among others issues and approaches.
Explores how the teachings of St Benedict can inform business organisations.The premise is that business can best flourish by being formed as communities of respect, trust and support. The book explores how the Rule teaching are relevant for today
The Work Foundation run this excellent website dedicated to work life balance : 'Work-life balance is achieved when an individual’s right to a fulfilled life inside and outside paid work is accepted and respected as the norm, to the mutual benefit of the individual, business and society.'
Relating Christian faith and values to the business world, containing articles, reviews, news items and announcements. Providing a forum to explore and promote the application of the Christian faith and values to working life in business, the professions, and public and voluntary service.
Winning choices for working people
A link to a PDF article by Michael Poole, considering how God's creation of humans links back to the beginning of space and time itself.
21st century living is hectic. Getting the right ‘life balance' between rest, work and play seems almost impossible. In five interactive sessions, Life Balance aims to help groups explore how to build Sabbath time into the crazy pressures of everyday life and how ‘Sabbath attitudes' can transform the way we spend our time
John D. Beckett offers three principles to guide the Christian's life in the workplace: a warm personal relationship with the Lord, a closer alignment of faith and work, and the multi-faceted expression of God's kingdom
Soul at Work : Spiritual Leadership in Organisations
International Centre for Spirit at Work (ICSW) provides comprehensive world class, faith neutral, spirituality-at-work products, programs, tools and research that are practical and easily accessible.
Supporting Christians in Education is a practical tool for Church Leaders and Youth-workers to help them to envision and resource teachers, pupils, parents and governors. No other single context involves so many of us, and this highly readable but insightful book lays out a compelling vision for Christian involvement and mission in education.
The author looks at the people, passion and profit that are the common strands of the companies explored in this book. The many stories from the office, factory floor and board room illustrate what spirit in the workplace looks like in practice. Some of the companies considered are: Microsoft UK, Bayer UK, Scott Bader, and Peach Personnel. The book includes many useful tools and techniques.
Christian emotional help and encouragement for anyone. Support for a wide range of issues. Particular focus on stress and work issues
A fusion of biblical insights and observations from the marketplace.
CHRISM is an association for all Christians who see their secular employment as a primary field of Christian ministry and for those who would support and encourage that vision.
This book is essential reading for all who are concerned with the development of self-supporting ministers, ministers in secular employment and local ministry
ACT seeks to inspire all Christians in education confidently to live out their faith day by day, term by term.
Lots of articles and opinions on current issues facing teachers.
Bethany Family Institute is a resource for families to support their spiritual lives. Also connecting those who support family ministry and support for those who support families.
The Carers Christian Fellowship aims to offer a link and support for Christians who are caring in some way for a relative, friend or neighbour.
The vision behind Christian Family Network is to provide a place where you can receive the support, advice, and encouragement you need to help your family live and grow God's way.
The aim of the CFN is to promote the Gospel and build faith amongst the farming community and those living and growing in rural areas of the world.
CMF aims is to unite Christian doctors and medical students in Christ, and to encourage them to deepen their faith, live like Christ, and serve him obediently, particularly through acting competently and with compassion in their medical practice
"The best site in the world for a busy mum (or a dad) who is a Christian, who wants some resources and to meet new friends. Sit down, get yourself a cuppa, and relax!"
Loads of ideas, discussion, advice and resources for Christian parents.
CNM is a fellowship of Christians in the nursing and midwifery professions, students and qualified, in England and Wales. We have a sister fellowship in Scotland (NCF Scotland), and we are linked into the global network of the Nurses Christian Fellowship International (NCFI).
Christians at work aims to mobilise Christians in the workplace
Christians in Parliament (CiP) is a non-denominational and official all-Party body, working throughout Westminster with a clear vision: to encourage relationships in, with and through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Faithworks is a network of members who are individuals motivated by their Christian faith to serve their local community and positively influence society as a whole. Faithworks members inform, authenticate and support our collective voice - a voice that say 'our faith works'. Founded by Steve Chalke.
FCN is a UK network of groups of volunteers drawn from the farming community and rural churches. FCN volunteers are there to ‘walk with' and support farming people and families as they seek to resolve their problems, whatever they may be.
offers a listening ear, in confidence, to all people, whatever their beliefs, via e-mail
MODEM is a national ecumenical Christian network, which encourages authentic dialogue between exponents of leadership, organisation, spirituality and ministry to aid the development of better disciples, community, society and world
NCF encourage students, faculty and nurses to explore and connect Christian faith and nursing, and provide resources that help nurses practice nursing from a Christian perspective.
Welcome to The GoodBookstall - Supporting Christian Bookshops
More books from more publishers all in one place
We aim to help you find the books you need and show you others that you did not realise were available. These books are for everyone who enjoys reading. We keep you up to date by means of our reviews of the pick of the latest titles at the top of each category: below them, all previous reviews remain available for you to see
The National Society exists to inform and encourage Church schools throughout England and Wales and to promote Christian education and support staff and pupils.
Devoting their time and energy to become the UK's leading provider of resources, to help you work well by integrating your faith with your life at work.
A Teachers Prayer by Richard Peck helps teachers think about the problems they face and ask for God's help in meeting them.
"I want to make bricks. Could you send me some straw?"
Thoughts, prayers and readings for every day of the year, both morning and evening, with Celtic themes and inspiration, from the Northumbria Community.
At times prayer can seem like hard work or a bit of a mystery. At other times it's an encounter with the Living God. Wherever you are on the journey of faith, Life Source will encourage a discovery of new-found joy and delight in prayer - for novices and old-hands alike.
A handy book of prayers for teachers.
This collection of specially commissioned prayers, from those at the hub of working life, reflects with gentle humour and refreshing honesty on the joys, tribulations and issues faced by workers in today’s world
A Teacher's Prayer by James J Metcalf asks that the children in the care of the teacher will not simply learn academic lessons, but that the teacher may help them learn life lessons.
"Not just the lesson in a book,
Or how the rivers flow,
But to choose the proper path,
Wherever they may go."
Four prayers for use by teachers, to pray for their role and responsibilities.
A helpful short collection of worship resources that particularly focuses on the world of work produced by CHRSIM (Christians in Secular Ministry).
This booklet can be ordered from CHRISM directly
This emotionally charged book addresses two moral controversies that challenge society. Dr Frank Pedreira insightfully examines the issues of abortion and euthanasia. Touching personal stories clearly illustrate the hardships faced by those who must make these painful decisions.
A selection of articles looking at Christian thinking in science. Of interest to teaching, the articles on evolution - 'God and the Big Bang'.
This book captures the real art of conversation, drawing on examples from Jesus, structured for use during Lent by both individuals and groups.
Faith in Business is a feature of theological college life unique to Ridley. It is a project concerned with relating Christian faith to the world of work, notably that of business, and has been in existence since 1989.
Faith in the processes of governance matters to us all, and those who do its work need continually to renew their skills in power, authority, stewardship and in their relationship with others.
An accessible book which uses a diverse set of case studies to illustrate spirituality at work by drawing on a range of various wisdom traditions. Explores the dimensions of both individual and organisational life
Hidden Hurts website is designed to help understand the dynamics of an abusive relationships, the different forms abuse can take, it's effect on both direct victims and indirect victims and helpful links and telephone numbers inside the UK.
This helpful book introduces a ‘Doing Theology Spiral’ which moves through experience – exploration –reflection - response. Each phase is described in detail with plenty of practical examples.
Taken from the University of York's Christian magazine, this article looks at the Christian Culture and how we live.
"Ordinary theology" is the theology of the church's front line; it is truly a warts and all theology open to the alley; statistically speaking, it is the theology of God's church.
This book offers a basic introduction to practical theology. It uses everyday stories and case histories to explore a range of pastoral situations and reflect on them theologically. The book tackles the task of putting Christian beliefs into practice in a lively and appealing style.
Working to improve the quality of life for people with mental health problems by influencing policy and practice in mental health and related services.
Where do we look for theology? Who does it, and who owns it? The authors argue that there is such a thing as ‘ordinary theology'. It exists outside the university and the theological college; nevertheless, it should be taken seriously. Taking Ordinary Theology Seriously includes an analysis of interview studies in which regular churchgoers reflect on their beliefs about the person and the power of Christ. Their views raise important issues for the pastoral and educational ministry of the church.
The Institute feeds into debate on topical issues. The aim is not to offer a rounded academic discussion of complex issues, but to share with non-specialists views and questions on current events from the Institute's point of view.
The Spirit Level - Why Equality is Better for Everyone
This ground breaking book, based on years of research, provides had evidence to show:
This is the first in a two part project, aimed at postgraduates and academics interested in the expanding volume of work and research surrounding theological reflection.
Following the same topics as the "Methods" volume, this reader is aimed at postgraduates and academics interested in the expanding volume of work and research surrounding theological reflection.
A financial advice firm offering some interesting insights into the overlap between financial advice and Christian principles.
The UMTP is a project of the Newcastle East Deanery in the Church of England diocese of Newcastle. It aims to live out a style of Christian Ministry that assists local churches and communities to engage effectively with the processes of social and economic regeneration in the East End of Newcastle upon Tyne.
There is no end to the corners of life that would benefit from theological reflection and education. In a post-Christian world, our faith should reach every aspect of work and family life, global economics, politics, and religion. Millions of laity are eager for the opportunity to expand their horizons, to think differently, to live differently. Learning happens in all of life and through all of life.
Why would laypeople want theological education, anyway? For life, of course.
The Bishop of Chichester's Lent sermon from 2006 - a look at the Labyrinth as a path of life.
Teaching is an honourable profession, and deserves recognition as such. But Christians, and others, often call it a vocation. Dr Rowan Williams, then Archbishop of Wales, wrote on the subject of vocation in 2001. The article is published as an appendix to Lord Dearing's report on Church schools.
The book updates references to women's ordination and now uses inclusive language throughout. Vocation in this context means that God calls every human being to a particular task, if only we can stop and listen.
Exploring vocation offers practical advice on how we can find God in whatever work we do. Offers a five step journey of discovery and explore options and alternatives in a bid to reach your vocation and service in life
Gerard Hughes shows a way that you can find yourself, your position in life and your relationship with God.
This course is about exploring our vocation as Christians in the church and in the world. By vocation we don't just mean jobs or roles in the organised church. We see vocation as more than that and also more that doing any particular job. Our vocation is about who we are as the people God made us to be. It is about what God calls us to attend to from his point of view. It is about what our mission is in life and what actions we take to bring it to life.
Discerning our vocation is not something we can do on our own. This is a group activity that is facilitated, ideally by someone local who has been trained in the approach. Our vocations make most sense in relationship to others and need to be supported by the gathered church and leaders. Their involement is vital.
Is your job, and the lifestyle it brings, totally satisfying? Or do you feel, even vaguely, that somewhere there must be something more challenging, more fulfilling and more rewarding for you? If so, you may already be on your way to discovering what is uniquely shaped to fit your gifts, abilities and temperament: your vocation.
A collection of stories and quotations focusing on God's calling to joyous life and fruitfulness, each in our own way. This title invites us on a journey of discovery to find ourselves and our true work and acts as a companion on that quest.
Some people think that vocation is just for special people...but God calls us all to live our lives shaped and directed by his call. This Lent course explores the meaning of vocation for everyone.
Few of us are sufficiently in touch with our own still centre to live from within outwards. This is a book to help and encourage readers to live at least some of their life that way.'
Rick Warren helps readers to discover, develop, and fulfill God's purpose for their lives
With a labyrinth there is only one choice to be made. The choice is to enter or not. A more passive, receptive mindset is needed. The choice is whether or not to walk a spiritual path.
Provides spiritual insights and practical advice as part of a program for fulfilling personal business goals and explains how to develop life-propelling action plans.
For anyone interested in the contribution that Christian teachers can make in Britain today. Their aim is to raise the profile of teaching as a Christian vocation.
This book explores how we can recognise the difference between God's will and our own and deepen our ability to understand God's purposes.
Here are over 50 short real-life stories of people who woke up and realised that "this is not a dress rehearsal". They took the trouble to ask what life is for, where their real gifts lie and what they really want to do with their lives.
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