10.20am on Monday 10 February 2025

Follow Me on Monday

An exciting new short course for small groups to explore discipleship in daily life

Follow me on Monday is a new course developed by After Sunday to encourage everyone to explore their discipleship in daily life and work.

If you would like an overview of the 5 session course and brief summary of each of the sessions

All the materials you need to run the course are available free to download.
Simply click in the box and it will expand to show the materials.

This includes course booklets for both facilitators and course members, background and further reading, useful resources and support materials.

If you would like to run any of the sessions individually, you can find the materials as single sessions on The Essence of After Sunday page :


Publicity Leaflet
Download a leaflet you can customise and use to publicise the course in your own church

How After Sunday can help
After Sunday is happy to help in the following ways:

  • We may be able to deliver the course in the Newcastle / Durham area.  Please contact us
  • We can brief those who are leading / facilitating the course in a 2 hour session in Newcastle /Durham area to be arranged at a convenient time and place.
  • We are happy to discuss your needs and help you to plan either over the phone or by email.

Further Help
If you want more guidance about how to set up a group

If you want to discuss further then 

If you do use the materials, we would be grateful for any feedback or comments which can help us to improve the service we provide.  Please feedback here.

Give Feedback on Follow Me on Monday

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Dorothy Snowball said…

We followed this course this year as a Lent Course and it was amazing. Although the group were mainly retired they brought so much to the concept of 'God is everywhere in our world'. It was really inspiring and they were so keen and excited about being able to discuss the world and God'd influence in it through so many people and in so many situations. They also point out how much the church has changed in its thinking in their lifetime, much of which gives a truly christian attitude rather than a condemning one.

Posted at 5.19pm on Thursday 31 May 2012 #1

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