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2.45am on Friday 7 March 2025
How can we live not just 'good' lives as people of faith, but lives that are transforming?
There is much human activity in the world which is clearly not consistent with God's vision for creation. Take a look at our daily news. The same issues seem confront us. Murders, terrorism, abuse of power, injustice, oppression etc. and so it goes on. We clearly fall short of the vision of God's kingdom on earth that is possible.
Whilst not wishing to deny the deep wrongs of the world, there is also a great deal of good to affirm. People of faith and hope who believe in the power of a risen Christ believe that the inevitable movement towards good is under way and unstoppable. What else is the point of our faith if we don't believe that?
So when we face the realities of the world and want to bring about some change for good consistent with God's purposes, we are faced with two basic options. We can either focus on the things that are wrong, the deficiencies, and work to solve the problems and put things right.
Alternatively we can focus on what is already good and positive and seek to enhance its power. We can find out where God is already at work and fan the embers of positive life into life. This is at the heart of living transforming lives.
This contrast between problem solving that tackles what is wrong and positive change that enhances the positive life without denying the realities, is at the heart of an approach to change called Appreciative Inquiry. Experience of using this approach to address the hard issues of change has demonstrated that it enables people to engage in creating a better future with more hope and energy. It has more spiritual integrity.
If you would like to learn more about using this approach to change then here are some resources and websites that will guide you.
Imagine living on the equivalent of fifty pence a day - or less. That is the reality for over a billion people around the world right now. Isn't the problem just too enormous for individual churches, schools and communities to make a difference? This book seeks to answer that question, offering practical suggestions for real things that we can do in our personal lives that can help to bring the vision of a world without poverty a step closer
Report from the William Temple Foundation about Spiritual and Religious capital
A very helpful introduction to Appreciative Inquiry - an approach to positive change.
"The Power of Appreciative Inquiry" describes a revolutionary new change strategy that inspires people and brings about a higher performance level in any organization.
An accessible book which uses a diverse set of case studies to illustrate spirituality at work by drawing on a range of various wisdom traditions. Explores the dimensions of both individual and organisational life
After Sunday is a registered charity, number 1128086. Website development by Hiltonian Media.