Morning Prayer
Traditional language
Contemporary language
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10.22am on Monday 10 February 2025
The Church of England provides morning, evening and night prayer in both modern and traditional language. You can view each entire service with today's readings, psalms, canticles and collects right here on the After Sunday website.
Read MoreRe:Jesus provides visually-rich pre-written daily prayers which help to focus the mind on conversing with God. Different prayers are displayed depending on the time of day and the liturgical season.
Read MorePray the Daily Office as used by the Northumbria Community. Morning, midday, evening and night prayer (compline) are provided, drawing from a diverse range of sources.
Read MoreDaily prayer is an important part of any Christian's life.
Morning, Evening and Night Prayer provides ways of punctuating each day of the week with praise, prayer and attention to Scripture. Thus as George Herbert put it,'seven whole days, not one on seven' will we praise God; pray for God's world and allow ourselves to be formed and re-formed by God's word
Set up to 20 minutes aside each day, at whatever time of day suits your schedule. Crack of dawn, coffee time, lunch break, before tea or last thing. This is your Daily Prayer time.
Find a place that is best for you, maybe at home or in the workplace or even on the move. This form of delivery direct to your computer offers many advantages in terms of accessibility and convenience.
Corporate Prayer
Though you may usually pray alone, this form of daily prayer draws you into the corporate prayer of the whole Church throughout the world. That is why praying 'we' and 'us' makes sense, even when you are alone.
All you need is avaialble here. If you are using the Chruch of England Daily Office, you will find the Scripture readings for the day are reproduced on line These will be the same readings that people all over the world will be using that day.
Form of Daily Prayer
There are many forms of Daily Prayer available. Here we have linked to three forms to suit differing tastes and to provide some variety also. Try them out to see which suits you best.
After Sunday is a registered charity, number 1128086. Website development by Hiltonian Media.